Sara Ginaite Postcard
A6 Postkarte
10,5 x 14,8 cm * Karton
Das Bild von Sara Ginaite haben wir einer Orginal-Fotografie von 1944 nachempfunden. Frau Dr. Sara Ginaite ist Autorin des Buches "Resistance and Survival" und hat als 18-jährige Überlebende des Ghettos Kovno mit russischen Partisan*innen in einer jüdischen Partisanen-Einheit gegen die Faschisten gekämpft.
Wir haben als Unterschrift für „Death to Fascism - Freedom to the People“ gewählt. Bekannt wurde die Parole nach dem Tod des kroatischen Partisanen Stjepan Filipović. Als der Strick für seine Hinrichtung am 22. Mai 1942 um seinen Hals gelegt wurde, streckte er seine Arme nach oben und verurteilte die Deutschen sowie deren Verbündete als Mörder und ruft „Tod dem Faschismus, Freiheit für die Menschen“.
Es gibt jede Menge pannende Literatur zum Thema, die wir euch an dieser Stelle wärmstens ans Herz legen wollen:
- Ingrid Strobel : Mir zeynen do
- Rachel Margolis - Als Partisanin in Wilna
- Lisa Fittko - Mein Weg über die Pyrenäen
- Rachel Margolis - Als Partisanin in Wilna
- Primo Levi - Wann, wenn nicht jetzt
- Die Flucht aus Sobibor
- Defiance
Sara Ginaite was born in Kovno (now Kaunas), Lithuania, in 1924.
During the first large Aktion of October 1941, the Gestapo selected 9200 Kovno Jews, including over 4000 children, to murder in the nearby Ninth Fort. Sara, then a teenager, survived and joined the Anti-Fascist Fighting Organization (AFO) in 1942. She met and married the charismatic leader of its youth group, Misha Rubinson. Sara and Misha were among the first group of young fighters smuggled out of the Kovno Ghetto to join the Russian partisans in the Rudninkai Forest 50 kilometres away. One of Sara’s assignments was to return to the ghetto to bring out more young people. About 300 were eventually able to join the partisans.
In July 1944, Sara and Misha participated in the liberation of Vilnius and Kovno but were too late to save 90 percent of the Jews, including most of the members of their families, who had been murdered. Only Sara, Misha, Sara’s older sister, Alice, Alice’s husband, and a young niece left hidden with Lithuanians survived the Holocaust.
In spite of still rampant antisemitism, Sara completed her doctoral studies in Political Economics and obtained an appointment as a professor at Vilnius University. There she published studies in her field and on the Holocaust in Lithuania. Her book Resistance and Survival: The Jewish Community in Kaunas, 1941–1944, which was enlarged, translated into English, and published in Toronto, won the Canadian Jewish Book Award for Holocaust History in 2006.
After her husband’s death, Sara joined her two daughters in Canada in 1983. For the next 15 years, she was an Adjunct Professor at York University and lectured widely in Canada, Israel, Europe, and the United States about her World War II experiences.
Ein Buch über Sarahs Leben:
Sara Ginaitė-Rubinsonienė (Ginaite-Rubinson): Resistance and Survival: The Jewish Community in Kaunas, Lituania, 1941–1944. Mosaic Press, Oakville (Ontario) 2005